Talking about Palestine

Angry & Fearless aims at building confidence and capabilities.

“In politics, perception is reality. Narratives legitimize some perceptions and delegitimize others. […] labels predispose recipients of information to accept some things as credible, to disbelieve others, and to regard still others as […] tainted or implausible.“

The zionist narrative has been shaped and polished for decades, and uses any number of tricks to play on emotions and shape perceptions. The workshop “Talking about Palestine” is designed to strengthen you against those rhetorical traps and pitfalls and help you manage conversations you find difficult.

Handling emotions is front and center to the approach – your own and those of the people you talk to.

You’ll learn to recognize the common tricks through a series of real-life cases. You’ll see different ways of taking control of the flow of conversation, of taking back the initiative. And you’ll hear about the various ingredients you can use to build your narrative, deliver your message, and shape perception.

The context of conversations is not forgotten: choosing the arena, and preparing in body and mind.

What you’ll learn:
  • Spotting the common traps
  • Claiming the conversation
  • Framing your argument
Angry & Fearless offers:
  • Workshops – click here to register your interest
  • Materials (public domain) – updated regularly
  • Podcasts – coming later this year